
“These thieving motherfuckers are even starting to dress like us. Diabolical.”Officer Nearsighted

That’s a GTA-V level rundown right there.

Odds that they bring in a psychologist and claim target fixation?

Apex blindness 

Most CEOs have sociopathic traits. It’s their machiavellian thinking and lack of empathy that leads them to succeed so well in the late capitalist system.

Australian here.

“Woke mind virus”: Empathy and consideration for others, last I checked. Musk vouches for sociopathy and/or narcissism in his logic.

It does make sense, as excessive money allows you to cast off whatever humanity you grew and that having a soul is not necessary in your pursuit of more money as it becomes your life’s

“I love immigration. How else are all the white folks supposed to escape South Africa after the fall of Apartheid?” -Elon Musk

Especially if Gibson is good in the role and seems to understand the assignment.  Let people know he’s involved then move on to the show itself.

The main thing that made sense was the contract killer community took Harry Potter-like steps to restrain their activities to their own crowd and fly below everyone else’s radar. The cops in the first John Wick look the other way when they come to his house and see a bunch of bodies because they know it’s none of

If they’re going to remaster a 7th gen Fallout, remaster New Vegas you cowards. I will buy this game a 5th time. Yes, Obsidian made the game, but y’all have the same boss.

Unfortunately, he excels at that. 

Gotta keep that quiver full.

Uhhh... care to give that another go? You missed a few zeros.

“Transanity” is almost as bad as the people who wanted this CHILD, who was raped, to keep the baby and look at it as a blessing.

It’s incredible that in a story involving a literal child rapist, Rokita managed to make himself seem like nearly as big an asshole.

Yep, though this year’s requirement that you groom and bring on a leash at least two white christian pre-teens was odd. You used to only need one.

Did you guys get your Transanity Fall Ball 23 tickets yet? The theme is Hot Daddies in Pop Culture.

An employee paid by Hoosier taxpayers is using our tax dollars to sue a tax payer funded institution. Then these people have the gall to claim Republicans are the real fiscal conservatives.