
This young woman is truly impressive. Even if, as detractors are sure to suggest, she had help with her speech (which any adult speaking to a national audience would do), the way she delivers it with such understanding and conviction clearly shows how firmly she grasps her words.

The kids are going to be alright

This is why i’m always amazed when people try to tell me we don’t need special programs or efforts to help promote minorities. They don’t even come close to seeing that, left to their own devices, white people in power would rarely (if ever) appoint a non-white person to an executive position. They counter with “well,

Even beyond the representational aspect, taken simply as a superhero movie; Black Panther is good. The story and characters have depth. There are plausible back stories. The heroes have flaws and make mistakes. There are troubling ethical questions with no clear answers. There is a believable and sympathetic villain.

When they say Wakanda is not that big of a deal I counter with then neither are Panem, Hogwarts, Westeros or Middle Earth. Those are White fandom culture fighting words.

Written and produced by a huntsman spider. Don’t trust that book.

If they ever try that shit again, here’s an easy way to humilate them...

The performance reviews are going to be wild.

It’s the same argument that if someone had a gun when some nutjob open fired in a public place, they could have saved everyone. It’s bullshit. The average person does not and will not have the training for a situation like that. They can fire at a person shaped paper target and act all big and bad with their sidearm,

It really is just so absurd that so many people think its like a video game, you just stroll up and shoot the bad guy. When in reality, even if you’ve spent a lot of time shooting guns, it’s been in a controlled environment, and you’ve got ear and eye protection on. I’ve been to a gun range once or thrice, and just

On Saturday mornings I work with a class that teaches green card holders what they need to know to be citizens. The guy who runs the class is an older white guy whose politics could best be described as libertarian-ish. I roll my eyes at a lot of the things he says, but, at the end of the day, he’s a 70-year-old

No, the reason we are here is that the majority of white people hate/fear people of color, people who are LGBTQIA, and non-Christians

By the by, I love that The GOP and The Puppet now want to arm teachers. They spent the last 40 years calling us lazy, uncaring, and incompetent, yet now we’re armed to save everyone (no body armor, by the by). Seriously, thanks, white people, you fucked us all hard by voting for The GOP.

Watched this with girlfriends parents and her brother and his wife. All of them NRA, trumptards, except my GF. They kept yelling trumpublican and nra talking points every time a kid would speak. Was brutal. All were in agrreement....”If I had a gun I would’ve shot him in a second.” “Need more guns in school!”

Meanwhile, Florida just declared porn a public health risk...because it’s only okay for teenagers to shoot loads so long as they come out the barrel of a gun.

My thoughts exactly, and it’s one of the most prevalent reasons we’re in this horrific mess right now. Journalists have become less interested in the truth than they are in fucking clicks and ratings. Shame on every last one of them.

“These teens, not familiar with things like access and correspondents dinners. They’re not burning their bridges, they’re burning the bridge construction materials! They’ll never have a future in journalism!”

The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.

Right? I don’t understand her train of thought. White people aren’t the problem it’s this type of whitepeople-ishness. She, as a white woman won’t be sucking any black joy out of the movie theatre unless she showed up in Klan garb with blackface, swastika patches, a watermelon under one arm, the other Heil Hitlering

How in the Hell do you “carefully” not buy a ticket? Did she think Black Panther tickets are sentient and were waiting around the corner to beat her over the head while denouncing whitey and telling her to pick a different date?