
while the meek women working in the fields giggle at the gawking men, perpetuating and affirming the norm.

That was ridiculous. We’re getting too woke for our own good. Pretty soon the idea of anyone succeeding at anything will be offensive.

The gender politics in Mulan are indeed far from perfect, but you’ve chosen to focus on some really strange things to make your argument.

Why not watch it and form your own opinion? 

90s show canceled after a season is my aesthetic.

I love TNG, but did anyone really want this?

For anyone wanting to shit on this for any reason, know and understand:

....for a new CBS All Access show

It’s like Hollywood doesn’t know how to cast anything other than soap opera cast offs. Maybe it’s irrational, but I find it really hard to get into a movie that features pretty boy/girls in roles that are supposed to be tough, cynical or world-weary. The portrayals feel like bad cosplay.

The one in the middle has to be a terminator because it’s doing a lousy job of passing for human.

> Gunn, who directed the first two Guardians of the Galaxy films, was let go by Disney when offensive tweets of his surfaced from several years ago.

Because the left eats its self.

And the snake continues to eat itself.

While I’m absolutely on board with justice in all areas that affect our quality of life, I cannot for the life of me understand black folks who cry because they can’t spend their dollars where they’re not wanted.

Ha ha, it’s funny that poor people are suffering, and disproportionately across racial lines!” - their creativity meeting.

This is not “tone-deaf,” it is straight up “racist” and “lacking in basic human empathy,” as well as “proof that many white people simply do not view Black people as equal human beings deserving of basic respect and compassion.”

Their next crop of labels will include We’re Not Racist You Are, Why Can’t We Use The N-Word Too, and We Don’t See Color.

Blunt is a brilliant actress and a welcome addition to pretty much anything but this explanation seems reasonable to me.  How would you include her character without having her either completely abandon any remaining morality or making her the antagonist?  

From the article: “I was like, that’s a shame. I didn’t know,” Reggie repeated, adding that the situation left him discouraged.

Seriously, I read that line and was like “I hope this kid makes a billion goddamn dollars.”