
Calling Ultraviolet a movie is very generous.

In particular I remember that being an early example of Hollywood shoving Ryan Reynolds at an audience, Poochie-style (god, is he at his most irritating in that flick). Really don’t blame Wesley, ego or no.

Demolition Man is amazing and Snipes is phenomenal in that film. I will fight anyone who says otherwise. But first I have to go to the museum to pick up a weapon.

Sisko is such a better character, too! An embittered widower, burned out on starfleet and all of its ideals, gets transferred to the ass end of nowhere with his tween son. His first officer is a terrorist, his station is a trash pile, and his kid makes best friend with the local delinquent. Then he is forced to relive

Wonderful! I went with this meme...

People tend to forget that Men In Black was also a superhero movie with a black hero (and based on a series published by Marvel!), but Sony buried that detail pretty deep in the PR campaign. And that was the third most popular release of 1997.  

I think the movie execs not seeing how good Blade was has a very simple explanation and I’ll give you the short version.

I see a Spawn picture, but I’m not sure how that relates to successful superhero movies.

Also: 20 years is a long time — a whole generation — when considering film history. The average moviegoer has a pretty short memory.

A lot of people didn’t know Blade was based off a comic book, just like a lot of people still act like Blade didn’t set this whole damn thing up. Billions of dollars later, and still neglected, even by people exalting how groundbreaking Black Panther is.

So the general public might remember Blade, but not as a Marvel movie about a black superhero.

Hey, there were some Asians around that table, too! Don’t leave us out of the shadow government!

Blade also had the misfortune of coming out in the post-Batman & Robin late ‘90s, when studios were desperate to avoid the comic book label for fear that it would turn off audiences sick of campy superheroes. IIRC, Blade was positioned as a horror-action film, much in the same way that the first X-Men was sold as a Mat

Blade- the villains were a group of white men sitting around a table ruling the world who held Blade with a mixture of fear and loathing. When they want to kill him? They send police officers...

For Batman’s no-killing rule, I bowto the wisdom of Superman in “Kingdom Come:“More than anyone in the world, when you scratch everything else away from Batman, you’re left with someone who doesn’t want to see anybody die.”

Ledger’s Joker will likely always be the definitive movie version, but I always felt you could see Nicholson’s influence on the performance. Nicholson’s Joker was goofy, but it was a Burton movie, so that was to be expected. He still took the character to some dark places, which Ledger built on in a much darker movie.

We were making grits before yall put up that little fence.

if people want to go for more money - have at it. But when you don’t get it, don’t lazily claim it’s because of both race and gender bias... while using examples that debunk your exact claim. She’s trying to publicly shame Netflix into giving her money for unsupported reasons, not because she’s worth it or has earned

I’ll give you the “good for her for going for what she thinks is hers.”

“Stand with me, strong black women who will most likely never see $500,000 over the course of their entire lives, let alone for a measly hour’s worth of work!”