
All I wanted was to see Jessica Jones butt heads with Tony Stark.

While I wanted them to show up, at least a little, before seeing it - Im not sure there’s anywhere they really ewould have fit into the story they were telling, anyway.

Look at how angry the Netflixers are!

But no one else with a movie coming up makes sense with a Netflix character but Black Widow. And again, Daredevil will probably be part of Disney’s streaming service so the cost of her doing it can be attributed to the Black Widow budget.

I think storytellers are getting more comfortable with introducing elements of story from outside the story without providing backstory because in today’s day and age if a person cares to know more it is pretty easy to hit up Wikipedia. Granted a certain amount of care needs to be taken that the interaction can stand

1) Nobody has said they’ll reboot anything, and frankly they don’t need to. Should they move Iron Fist to DSS, then the most significant change would be where you watch the show.

Holy crap, Hank Pym is a Lannister. It totally makes sense now!

In a big, expansive MCU, it makes sense that there would be heroes who were on the margins of major events, who would never cross paths with Tony Stark or Thor.

this is true. though on the other hand, can you imagine any of the Defenders as they’ve been characterized thus far upending their lives to fight in a battle they have no investment in and, frankly, is over their heads?

And Daredevil is a great piece to keep. The dry humor The Black Widow showed in The Winter Soldier meshes perfectly with the dry humor displayed on Daredevil from Matt.

Too bad they couldn’t line things up Coincide with the finales of Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Since both series have been cancelled by Netflix, imagine if the finale of both shows ended with the main character, of each respective series, turning to dust.   

And Samuel L. Jackson phoned it the fuck in in those eps.

Isn’t Marvel going to reboot their TV stuff now that Disney Streaming is happening and the Netflix shows are being canceled (though I imagine we’ll get another season of Daredevil and hope we get another of Jessica Jones)?

Infinity War had the luxury of assuming the audience had seen the movies and not only knew who all of the characters were, but also where they were in their individual character arcs. Now, I would expect most people would know who the characters are from the Netflix series, but unless they had sat down to watch the

They’ve been saying for a while that the TV characters won’t show up in the films, and I still hope this is a little bait-and-switch so that we’ll be more surprised when they show up in Avengers 4. It only needs 30 seconds of the Defenders fighting Thanos’ minions in New York during a big climactic battle. They don’t

Coulson is already making a comeback to the MCU as his 90s self in Captain Marvel, which I’m super excited by.

Man if only the perpetually constipated Black Bolt could have been around to holler at all those disposable bad guys Thanos sent out.

“They decided the best way to tell the story was to keep it MCU”

And... I’m totally okay with this.

Yeah, I can’t imagine where they would have fit that in in an already overstuffed movie. It’s a good call. Only my irrational inner fangirl really wanted this.