
“...everyone was right about Tesla”

It’s a cliche, but the best workers don’t work hard, they work smart. That means strategizing and getting the right people in the right places. He does that terribly and suffers for it. 

In spite of all this, plus the not-insignificant kick-in-the-balls of being removed as Chairman, GM and Ford are much more likely to dissolve into nothingness. Unlike Tesla, who would be lined-up to enthusiastically acquire GM or Ford along with the quagmire that they’ve cultivated over the past half century? No one,

And the current president is a particularly tall refugee from Loompaland. Land of opportunity!

I don't think Tesla could have survived this far without him, but the fanboyism and can-do-no-wrong attitude is what grinds my gears. He is not right every time, so there is no need to defend every one of his actions. 

Model 3 would have been perfect if it was a shrunk down S. That bland interior and off-center dash looks worse than my recent rental Prius, let alone something in its class. Will probably end up getting an S for the future Mrs but it's too big for me.

Open enough to implement, but not enough to use without paying. The cost of that is yet-undisclosed but high enough that nobody has taken him up on it.

That’s only partially true. Management’s job is of course to shape and distort the truth, but it’s for the benefit of investors. Lying to investors and misrepresenting known risks isn’t just not part of that job description, it’s also markedly illegal.

This is one of those situations that seems to play out fine

I’m actually very conflicted on my opinion of his micromanaging. On one hand, you’re completely right that a CEO should not be spending their time analyzing the production process to come up with tiny improvements. That’s why you hire competent industrial/process engineers and operations managers.

“He needs to learn to delegate. A CEO should be dealing with big-picture issues, not the minutia of running an assembly line.”

He’s the hardest working CEO, but mostly because of his micromanaging. He needs to learn to delegate. A CEO should be dealing with big-picture issues, not the minutia of running an assembly line. He’s becoming a bottleneck because no project can proceed without his direct involvement.

He’s a bit of a drama queen at times. Do any of us think he couldn’t raise capital if he really needed to?

Musk not telling the whole truth about the companies financial situation is a non-story. Would anyone expect any CEO to go running around talking about how close they are to dying while it’s happening? You gotta

The idea that any CEO is always telling the truth is hilarious. Management’s job is to lie to protect the company.

Hey.. you have to be at least a little or a lot crazy to start a new car company in the USA *and* put falcon wing doors on a production SUV.

Was “smoking the pot” too on the nose?

Whether or not Tesla ultimately survives, I think it has been a success for advancement of electric vehicles. Tesla showed it was possible, now comes the competition. That’s good for everyone, even if it ends up being bad for Tesla.

The committee was investigating political bias in social media. Why is that in quotes?

Locate the petrol and oil takes and make sure they’re full. Learn what all the knobs and levers do