Dezerus Richardson

Hey, HP installed WebOS on the iPad 2, so anything's possible.

Hackers, mate. Hackers will snatch these up and turn them into something brilliant.

Hmm... Is that including all the artwork, literature, and mechanical inventions in the Vatican's vaults, or just the Treasury of the Papacy?

Hmm... By the picture alone, I'd say he's a middle-aged man stuck in the 90s in regards to his fashion sense.

Yay, no gallery view. Nice work, Casey.

Or, you know, bootcamp/parallels.

One thing I don't understand... What does this sentence mean?

Every HP PC I've used has been absolute rubbish in build quality... Maybe if they get someone else to do their manufacturing, we won't have this issue.

Huh. A real life mob grinder. Who would've thought?

So... Basically, Giz editors?

No... Just... No.

Oh, come off it. It's a magnetic link system for a port meant to charge things, transfer data, and basically do the same stuff a normal port does. As for the "Nowhere in the patent is iOS device compatibility mentioned" bit, I'd say it's safe to say that "Portable device such as... cell phone, media player..."

Well, look at what Apple's done with their official apps. They still sell iPhoto, Final Cut, etc., but instead of bundling them all together into iWork or iLife, they sell them separately for $15 each.

You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of those little cubes of glass you can buy with the 3D images etched into them..

Was about to say that. Isn't that just because they spun the table the glass was on so it would settle thicker on the outsides?

Sony should be delighted to hear about this. After all, it'll make Doom 4 possible on the PS3.

Not true. RO/Distilled water does not leech minerals from you, nor is it harmful in any way. It's just... water.

Fluoride's not something you should be ingesting anyway.

There's a reason sportsmen, myself included, advocate wildlife protection and hunting regulation.

Actually, that's wrong. Edison was the 1800s equivalent of a patent troll. He basically stole other people's ideas and ran with them.