Dezerus Richardson

And now you see our problem. It's killed our ties with many nations, including ourselves. Amazing how that works, isn't it?

So... Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding this, Joel, but isn't standardization what keeps PC gaming in the past? If I recall correctly, consoles are fairly standardized, and they're running on five year old hardware. Do you want that to happen to PC gaming as well?

I enjoy bratwursts... Mainly because they're always a bit higher quality than hot dogs.

That's UPS, Fedex, or another carrier of choice.

My verdict on this:

So I've heard... Does a pretty good job of it, too.

I don't think you understand how an "Act of God" works. It's there to cover any natural disaster or freak accident. It's legal cover, so they don't get sued out of their pants if something breaks nigh-miraculously.

Don't worry. They still stock the $100 E-ink model. They'd be stupid not to.

I don't know... This is Amazon we're talking about. They tend to do pretty well with these kinds of things. The Kindle is, by far, the most popular E-Reader, so I think it's got a shot.

Slow. If you're going for politically-correct BS, the term is slow.

Oh, wow. I thought they were still on the prototype Surface 1.0. Had no idea they did that.

Not rods. Casks. Filled with waste. These are storage drums.

Actually, the reactor isn't even experiencing issues. The earthquake just moved some casks containing radioactive waste... Four inches away from their position.

They computed. Therefore, computers.

You understand the concept of fire, right?

Let them burn, of course. It'll be good for them.

Or Gmail. Or Google Docs. Or Android. Every Google service is designed to collect information which will then be anonymized and sold.

In the space of thirty years, modern computers have gone from massive machines that take up ten floors of a high-rise office building to a device smaller than an Altoids tin. Don't say anything's impossible "in your lifetime"... Unless you're 80, then it's fine.

Laminated Fabric. In a word, Kevlar.