Dezerus Richardson

I prefer fresh food, but it isn't always available. In fact, my corner of Tennessee is just now getting a Whole Foods Market (and a Costco, but that isn't important).

Yes. You have hot women.

Yes. There will. There's a large button on the start screen that allows you to switch between the Windows 7 and Metro UI.

Good news is, the new UI is completely optional, and it runs on top of the Windows 7 UI.

And, what's worse, Kwame up there thinks that these are soiled diapers. These are not soiled diapers. This is the superabsorbent material used in diapers.

So... Uh... You're afraid of a superabsorbent membrane?

If it's a magnet, how does it work?

I think I ate a salad out of one of these at a cafe today.

That sounds... off... for some reason.

Right, sorry. Wrong temple. Was thinking Solomon's for some reason.

Isn't that just the west wall of Solomon's Temple? Not sure how that relates to the Berlin Wall, aside from being made of stone and cement.

Is it really? It'll probably just run out to some river or stream somewhere, make its way to a lake or ocean, evaporate, and wind up back in the pool it came from within a week.

Which is why I'm Henry Ericson. Unless I'm Dezerus Richardson. Unless I'm Mat Honan. Wait, is that last one taken?

This reminds me of the "Chain World" debacle from a while back, where some guy took the USB drive with Chain World on it and started auctioning it off for charity.

Updating flashes the entire OS partition, so you should have no issues.

I'm just worried they'll kill the entire Google account, not just G+.

Good. They don't deserve a job. Ruining the entire sodding country.

So... Basically, what you're saying is you would rather die a slow, painful death due to lung cancer than use an iPhone...

Well, then I've got some advice for you. Don't contract malaria.

You have no idea how lucky you are... To get that up here, in the United States, you've actually got to go to one of the larger cities... If you don't live in Washington, Califonia, or New York, then you're out of luck for fresh food.