Dezerus Richardson

Mate, she's ten, and she figured out how to speed up the system clock.

Mate, $999 is *not* sub-1000. With tax, it comes out to be $1008.99.

That's because you are. My sub-$700 computer from 2007 has six gigabytes of RAM.


Ha, the pilot... My dad still has one, I think. Loved that thing.

The Atlas and Saturn lines are my favorite heavy-lift rockets. They're incredibly versatile, and they look nice as well.

True... Difference being, there's only one company behind Facebook, whereas you could buy from any number of television companies.

Yay! They're bringing out the Atlas V rockets. I love those things.

Here's a hint, we do.

A Texas Town Is Drinking Recycled Pee Water Because of a Drought... And so are you!

It's more chaotic, natural beauty. Not everything can be orderly and perfect.

I think so.

Hah. Both my parents have Macs, but they don't have iPhones or iPads. Heck, they haven't even bought a new computer since 2009.

I don't know, just ask Volkswagen.

Common misunderstanding. I don't think these new devices are meant to replace anything. That's like expecting a common desktop to replace a supercomputing cluster.

Isn't Apple almost ditching it entirely with iOS 5? IIRC, you can do everything but charge without a USB cable now, including set it up straight out of the box.

It is ridiculous, isn't it? Every electronic has a niche. Our huge ATX desktops with the newest "Iron Road" processors and eleventy-billion gigs of RAM have a use, as do our "tripletouch-capacitive platescreen" tablets and "ultra-super-mega-thinbooks". I think a lot of people just want things to stay the way they are,

Actually, you made a slight mistake in your Windows 8 description. Had you done any research at all, you would have noted that all editions of Windows 8 would get the keyboard/mouse mode as well as the tablet mode (no matter what system they're on), and you can switch between with a press of a button on the start

Heck, I'm a hardcore geek (And an indie game dev), and I want a tablet.

Something tells me your article's all screwed up. Case in point, LED lightbulbs do not clean bathrooms.