Dezerus Richardson

Then we make the balloon out of something that doesn't burn.

Yes, helium may not be renewable... But it's a byproduct of natural gas production.

Alternately, you know, you can just not buy crappy donut shop coffee and instead brew your own at home, where you can drink it from a mug that doesn't have a lid preventing you from smelling the coffee you pay for.

Don't forget Hollywood blockbuster films and 90% of the videogame industry.

Gah. I wouldn't dare use the ones with the case wires (LED wires)... Had a terrible issue with those last week.

You know, for all the flak IKEA gets, I've never had an issue from them. Granted, the most I've bought is the slab of wood I'm using as a computer desk right now, but still yet, it's a good slab of wood that I got for $30.

Blender also exports natively to Collada, although you have to enable it in preferences.

Theoretically, yes. Physically, no. Not entirely. You can use a printer to print most bits, but some, like the feed tubes, need to be purchased separately.

That is the part. He printed them out of STEEL.

Ah, but what if that printer jams while you're printing your new printer?

Actually, yes.

Then the answer is simple, buy two printers.

Eyephones, anyone?

Ah, but the knees are more painful...

Yes. Yes we are, Sam.

Sure they do. One bullet in each knee.

We both know that digital goods work differently than physical goods. You can't apply the brick and mortar rules to things like the App Store. It doesn't work that way.

Ah... Same thing happened to me a long time ago. I just don't comment on Diaz articles anymore.

Oh, I see.

Hmm... Good point. Why is it marked "humor", then?