Dezerus Richardson

So you're saying that you can't use this device, which creates electricity from heat, to charge a battery which in turn will create heat to charge the battery? What madness is this?

Gah. Anon's grammar kills me. It's either "at" or "about", never both.

I always ask for two of the same card, and stick one in my safety deposit box.

Depends. This is more like perpetual energy, where it's feeding off of it's own heat to produce electricity.

Because women have something (most) men don't. You know, the mass of tissue behind the nipples.

With something like a laptop, you could take this technology and incorporate it into the heatsinks. Just have that automatically recharge the battery.

Actually, that's already been done by MIT as well. The fuel to energy ratio is terribly inefficient, however.

Doesn't matter. It'll do it anyway.

Two. Show me the other two.

No, but it will remove all the iron from their bloodstream. Presumably, very painfully.

Hey, if nothing else, I saw one of the rainbow stripes on eBay for $25. In good condition.

Not sure. It was one of the newer ones, though, and looked something like the one in the article.

What's funny is that they're actually still there, just hidden by the CSS style of the page.

I had one a year or so ago, but gave it to my younger cousin.

Hmm... So we've made a Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System?

You do realize that we've never drilled past the crust, and you'd have to drill straight to the mantle to have any actual impact. Even then, the most you'd get would be a self-sealing hole.

That isn't from nothing. That's from something. The laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy say that nothing can be created from nothing.

4000-10000. And it's more of a "condensed history" whereby they try to condense all that we know into the space of... 4000-10000 years.

Breaking news: Microsoft Word Causes Violence in Adults! More at 11.

Hey, I'm a Christian Libertarian, and I'm all for stem cell research. If the research I've done in the past on the matter is correct, then these embryos are just going to be disposed of anyway (A majority of embryonic stem cells come from aborted embryos, or at least they did a few years back), may as well make them