Dezerus Richardson

Software patents are ridiculous anyway. You can't patent a means to a goal.

Isn't that why you always pack double the supplies when you go hiking?

Why... Don't they allow hand trucks? I see no issue there, unless the guard thinks you're just going to pile up computers and take off...

Don't look now, but I think he's having a bit of an off-day. First with the Wi-Fi article (PC vs. Mac trolling) and now with the stylus comment, this isn't the first time it's happened.

Is this sarcasm, or are you serious? Because if you were serious, that's awesome.

I know, it's kind of disappo- Wait.. I'm a Windows user.

I find this article slightly misleading. Microsoft's really cleaned up their networking code since XP, and as such, it's now done in two clicks. Right click WiFi icon, click connect.

I always find it easier to... You know... when partially reclined. Recliner toilets, perhaps?

Of course it does. That's called depth perception.

I'm wearing them right now. No issues.

Didn't that happen in Wells' "The Time Machine"?

I think you might have the wrong guy. I didn't describe any features.

No, I mean eyeglasses. Spectacles. Windows.

Supposedly, it comes straight out of Johnathan Ive's Book of Design.

It's funny, because aside from a few painted bits, that's not a bad style for a bike.

Do normal polarized glasses do that as well?

Congratulations. You guys are now buddies.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Fox News was the only news company that didn't report on the hacking scandals, and still doesn't.

So... That said, what's the most sides a pyramid can have?

The shooter probably drank milk, too.