Dezerus Richardson

Out of curiosity, what is there outside of the borders of the universe? I'm assuming more universes.

And then you'd be stuck in the future.

That looks like a hideously-deformed Blender icon, flipped horizontally and slanted twenty degrees.

As long as it's not in the left hand or forehead, it's not the mark of the beast.

Hmm... That just sounds wrong. Probably not too difficult to reset them, either.

Battery charge cycles? Elaborate?

Not quite suddenly. More like "17 days ago this conversation got awkward".

Mainly because American beer tastes like urine when warm.

It isn't. The Windows 8 tablets will be very nice, though...

The iPod Touch is for all the people who:

Heck, just make it chair elevator both ways, and have it on hydraulics in a throne room of sorts.

Indeed. I'd love to see a library or two in the vacant storefronts downtown. Give it a nice hipster-chic decor, and everyone would love it.

I'm Cave Johnson, we're done here.

I can't believe it... It actually has a fan. Impressive.

Actually, China has no copyright law.

I'm a technical artist, computer programmer, and amateur physicist. I'm pretty sure I could help you out *and* make your death ray look snazzy at the same time. All while writing automation processes for your lab.

The man who actually made a shit burger, however, is not.

Ah, right. The difference being, that was a U-235 bomb. These reactors ran on hot plutonium. The difference being, when U-238 breaks, it does so very cleanly. The fallout decays within five weeks (Give or take) of the fission. That's why Hiroshima and Nagasaki are cities and not craters.

As a 3D artist, this makes me angry. Anyone can throw an icosahedron into the grid and turn it into a mouse.

Wait, it has fans? How did they pack fans into that thing?