Dezerus Richardson

Better than a floating brick, no?

Indeed. Much like wood, actually. Which is why you're able to make paper out of blue jeans.

That city is the pinnacle of westernized living.

The intake is separate from the drain line, but the dishwasher drain line is connected to the sink drain line, with an air gap in between. However, sometimes there won't be an air gap, which can allow things from the sink drain into the dishwasher. That's why you call a plumber.

Really? I'd assume toilets and showers go directly into a sewer, though... For obvious safety reasons.

So... You're saying instead of fixing the issue, just keep pushing it further and further away?

Then we should fill our cars with SCIENCE.

My dad taught me how to use Windows 98 when I was five. He's a Mac user now, and I'm a 3D artist... I guess I've got him to thank for that.

I'll call the Doctor...

Okay. I'll keep that in mind when one of your children gets syphilis or gonorrhea from a fast food playland.

That's the idea. I can't stand fast food to begin with... Every time I eat it, it has very... unpleasant side effects. So, if I have children, I'll raise them with the same fiery hatred I have for fast food. That's the plan, anyway.

Ba dum tsh!

Pipes, cables, whatever they are. They're at the bottom of the sea, mate, so they've got to withstand the crushing forces there. I'd say an inch or two of steel would be a reasonable expectation. And, looking at the map, a lot of these things do have a redundancy check coming from a different position on the globe.

Missed 'em by four years, mate.

Nonsense. If he were a hipster, he'd be doing it for the irony.

Food. Food, once consumed, is worth exactly zero. Unless you're doing a scientific/clinical study. Then it's worth... pennies.

I love chopsticks. Carry a pair whenever I go out to eat.

When in doubt, use more gun. The thing was a monstrosity, sure, but it was amazing nonetheless.

I like it. It looks nice. Wouldn't buy it, though.

My dad wears a watch, and he's not a hipster... He's a quality consultant for an organization pushing for adoption of Solar energy in the Tennessee Valley and surrounding area.