Dezerus Richardson

And roe?

But when does the narwhal bacon?

Think of it objectively, their charity donations probably outweigh this by a factor of ten, and their taxes by twenty or more.


Appeasing cables indeed...

Sounds like a toilet tissue manufacturing company.

Bing Crosby being the first person that comes to mind...

What... Is up with that man's hair?

Most cables have an extra twin for redundancy. They;re also covered in six inches of steel.

This. A thousand times this. What a lot of people don't realize is that Christianity isn't so much an distinct form (To be fair, no religion is. Each one has it's sects, it's denominations, all completely different but still under a shared banner), but rather an amorphous blob, capable of taking any shape or form

We are just human, mate. Sin kind of comes with being human. Try all you want, you'll still slip up every now and then. The only difference being that it's covered.

The defining aspect of Christianity is the belief that Christ died for your sins. Everything else is either guidelines (Ten Commandments, love one another, etc.), History with some sort of biblical meaning (Most of the books fall into this category, actually.), prophecy (Self-explanatory), or fluff and filler.

Yep. There is some bit of a divide in the Christian religion between those who try to cram their religion down people's throats, and those who treat it as a more personal, less preachy thing. (Although, to be fair, the same could be said for every non/religion... Aside from Buddhism, I think.)

Great. You're just forgetting one tiny little detail: They've never actually found *anything*. At all. Even when security auditors plant bombs/guns/weapons in their carry-ons.

Oh, no, I meant put your email on the site... Oh well, I'll have my friend in England take care of that for you.

Put down your e-mail, then. Also, want a invite? Friend "Dezerus Richardson" on Facebook.

Really, really not...?

A comment like this deserves a bit of self-congratulatory promotion.

Honestly, once Spotify and Turntable mature a bit, I don't think Pandora's going to stand a chance. We'll see.

And now we understand where Green Eggs and Ham come from.