Dezerus Richardson

Right. Corner cases. Support them, but also place a focus on individual rights for those capable. Two birds, one stone. Or something.

Someone please explain the boob tower.

Concrete, when used artistically, is a beautiful thing. Which is why I plan on building a concrete cube for a house.

Good God...

You forgot "Contract Spreadsheet Disease". It goes between boring and boring.

The heck is a slide rule? I'm 20, and I've never actually seen one.

The only chair for me's a comfy office chair, or a wicker egg chair. No more.

He was released from jail on bond, but more charges are pending (which could land him back in jail). So there.

Actually, I dated a girl who looked *just* like that once. Weird.

So... I have no idea what you just said. At all. The header was distracting.

"Watches are out of style."

I, for one, would love to see our army wearing top hats.

About to drink piss? Drink your own piss!

Thought GameFreak owned the rights to the brand...

Okay. Enjoy never drinking *any* beverage again. Why? Because they're all made from urine, mate. Where do you think the municipal water supply comes from?

Don't forget, it's sponsored by Bear Grylls. So there's always that.

Is that why they make scalpels and things out of silver? Interesting.

It's a generic argument. If we allow/create X, everyone will do Y. There's actually a word for it, but I like to call it the "Worst Case Scenario Scenario".

Great. Tell us how to "un-fuck" ourselves after we bake our skin? We already know we screwed up, there's just nothing we can do about it.

Okay then...