Dezerus Richardson

So.. I've jailbroken in the past, and found it fairly satisfactory for my needs. However, I'm not sure what's changed. So, if you could recommend the must-get apps that I should download from Cydia, that'd be great.

Is there a way to just skip being the DJ altogether? I'd kind of like to use the service (as something to listen to), but I CBA to actually DJ anything...

A cabinet made of bread.

Apparently, the old ladies you know are awesome. Kudos.

Depends on the country. In certain places, you can actually take off and land on the road. A la James Bond.

Oh come on, they couldn't have made it easier to say and called it "Tubotel"? Seriously!

Nonsense. I'm simply following the commenting rules, whereas jcrane is not. The commenting rules, if you bothered to read them when you signed up, cover this sort of thing.

Yes. Yes you do.

Okay... I won't lie to you, the story was hilarious.

Alternately, you can array your cables in geometric designs to make them a focal point instead of a nuisance.


You write biased journalism, I hear idiot. Or something like that. There was an article about this whole issue a few months ago, maybe you should go looking for it?

Wait, it's illegal to have donuts in your car on the highway? How, then, is one supposed to transport large quantities of donuts to their office?

Actually, just finished the first one. Didn't get into the series until recently.

My thoughts exactly. I've been playing too much Assassin's Creed lately.

Exactly. Two wrongs don't equal a right, but at least it confirms the suspicion that the police force in Arizona is corrupt. From there, someone can take action against it.

I typically reinstall the bootloader every month or so... Keeps away bootloader-using virii.

To be fair, they're all still in beta.

I honestly have difficulty believing this wasn't done on purpose. That said, it is hilarious.