Dezerus Richardson

Fair point.

How does Flare work on an iPod Touch 4? Presumably the same, although I'm not sure. I know they withheld the actual HDR function on the iPT4 because of the camera quality, but this could be different. I'm not entirely certain. Anyone care to help me out?

And you didn't think it would be a good idea to NSFW-tag that?

I'll give you [PILE OF OVERPRICED CLOTH] for it.

We get it, mate. You're in space. We're both in space.

Ah... Lest we forget, fundies hate the Catholic Church, which made the statement you see there...

You can train dogs, sure. And I heartily encourage you do. But most people don't, so they take the lazy way out. Which is these things. Shock collars are bad, but they exist because some people are too lazy to care. Makes me wonder why they have a dog in the first place.

Ah, but you forget about the wind present during a tsunami. A better solution would be a sealed concrete bunker underneath your house.

I've already got the "+1" icon. Does that mean I have Google+?

Lovely, isn't it? Although I find the frame to be a bit extravagant. Let's thin out those walls to less than a meter, and then we'll talk.

Sadly, America is the only country dumb enough to put up with the stuff. Were we any other country, our Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola would have cane sugar instead of HFCS.

Most Kroger stores with a Foreign/Health food section also carry Mexican Coke. Just a heads up if you're in range of one.

I saw it in the Foreign Foods section at Kroger. It is delicious.

Nonsense. Ever heard of proxies?

I need to friend someone so I can get on here...

Nice work. +1... Heck, take 'em all.

Great. Now I feel old. I've actually been here since late 09...

Oh, wow... This again. About time for a revival.

Because this one actually screws into the phone itself... I think. Kind of silly, if you ask me.

Good. Because I have no idea how to write greasemonkey scripts.