Dezerus Richardson

Unless it was in the contract you signed when you bought your house, or the contract said "Subject to change without warning."

Those edges could take a finger off! Good lord.

Who needs ergonomics when you've got magic?

So you're telling me females have pink skin, like something out of Saturday Morning Cartoons?

It's a mystery.

Wait, you can buy server hosting with Bitcoins? I might look into that... Cheaper than free!

Very small ones.

The Constitution does not protect your dog. It protects you. Not your dog. Your dog is your own liability. Nobody is responsible for your dog aside from you. If you have a dog, you put up with the consequences of having a dog. If your dog violates a HOA rule, you are responsible. Not the dog. Not the HOA. You.


Who said it was a female armpit?

Is that actually any good? I saw a store when I was on vacation in Cali in 2004, but I never got the chance to try it. Looking on heading out there in a few years to drop off some resumes in the Silicon Valley area, so I might stop by and grab something to eat.

This reminds me of a Kotaku article I read yesterday, only it was about consoles. Essentially, the point was "Can't we all just play?". I'd say that's got a modicum of relevancy here.

One of my best friends is a "pot-smoking hippie". Nicest guy I know. He actually works as the artistic director for my games studio.

Like Japan?

Note to self: Work on greasemonkey script to invert the colors of the top bar.

I don't even think they put any effort into it... Wonder if it's an intern's fault.

I disagree. Whales are clearly the biggest disease. Nuke the whales!

Hideous, isn't it?

You also getting the weird black bar at the top of the page?

Ah... What's funny, is that.. Well, I know quite a bit about reactor designs, and these are virtually impossible to destroy from the outside. It takes a concentrated explosion (Like a brick of C4) to even crack the shell.