Dezerus Richardson

I have a landline. Don't use it, but I have it.

As am I, mate! About time I invested in a miscellaneous-things case. Looks like there's enough space for a set of pens, my wallet, my iPhone, and other things. I like it.

Ah, that explains quite a bit. She said she saw it at NYNY, so... Yeah. Case solved. We can all go home now.

For some reason, my aunt says she went to the Cirque Du Soleil show in Vegas and all the performers were naked. I'm thinking she went to the wrong show... Thoughts?

As do I.

Look! A spectroscopey-thing.

Ah, yes... Weddings are terribly expensive. Best way to get married, in my opinion? Stop by the courthouse with a witness, and have a justice do the ceremony there. Costs $50, you're still married, and everything goes back to normal.

If I recall correctly, LSD was actually used to treat cluster headaches for quite a few years after its discovery. Cluster headaches and schizophrenia.

Ummm... Let's go back several years, to the inception of LSD. As a medical treatment. For cluster headaches.

You've got to understand the times. It can't be made fun of, because it was actually normal and encouraged back then. What people tend to forget is that as time changes, so does culture. This was the 60s.

They actually use balloons filled with propane in the Hollywood filmmaking industry.


Fair point. It's still one of the cheaper overpriced things, though.

Brilliant. I'll be sure to dual boot.

Right... I don't have a Wii (U), and won't be getting either. However, I still love Goldeneye. Who are you to say I don't get to play what I want?

Both. They're both very, very heavy. And the texture makes them sort of greasy after a while.

Considering the prices of other iPad Stylii, this is actually fairly affordable. And it'll work with other capacitive tablets as well.

When I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face. Stay thirsty, my friends.

That's about a third of a gallon every day, give or take. Not too bad.

I'll give 'em five minutes.