Dezerus Richardson

I'm a PC gamer, and I'm not an asshole. That said, I do own a PS3...

Actually, I was just thinking of something like this. Why is it that, after playing videogames on assorted consoles part of (or all of) our lives, we so suddenly feel the need to take sides between console divisions. PC vs. Mac, Playstation vs. Xbox, PC vs consoles... See where I'm going with this?

How much actual RAM does the PS3 have? Just curious.

Hmm... It typically just gets caught in my throat and causes terrible chest pain for half an hour.

Um... What kind of jelly are you eating, mate?

Fair enough...

It's just interesting how before, with the Droid 2, they were adamant about having a completely locked-down phone. Now they're pushing for extreme openness. It's odd.

It's how they already work, mate.

About that Droid 2, then...

"She" has a penis. I'm fairly certain that makes you a man. At least biologically. Or a hermaphrodite. In which case, what do you call a hermaphrodite?

I suppose this is more of a question for Lifehacker, but since it involves mountain dew, I decided to post it here.

Sure they're not the Aperture of the Hotel Industry? Looks like it to me. Relaxation vaults, robot arms... What's next? Automatically reconfigurable rooms?

Honestly... Used all revisions up from Office 98, and I don't see a difference. Don't really understand all the hate.

Okay. Definitely getting one next year. I've always wanted more special-use detail blocks for my buildings, and occasionally, you just can't find that black 2x1!

Is it wrong if I've never heard of either of these things?

And I'm getting $900 spending money soon, so go me. Probably see what I can do for around $500, though.

Reminds me... I need to upgrade my computer. Thanks.

Here are some other people who aren't sold on cloud storage:

So... How much would it cost to get enough of these babies to make a gel of sorts?

I was asking myself this yesterday, as I realized my scanner only scans to .jpg. Why doesn't it scan to .png? No idea.