Dezerus Richardson

I've got a PSN account, still perfectly fine with Dropbox. If you're worried, just encrypt.

The difference between this and an LCD being that the LCD not only has to use power to process the video, but also to power the screen (which is a considerable energy drain, depending on the brightness and pixel usage). In the E-ink, this would be much lower, due to the fact that the display isn't backlit, nor powered

Interesting interpretation... The only way to lose is not to try.

Remember, this IS just a terrain generation test. Notch, when creating the nether, wrote the generation code first, and then programmed the block types. I'd assume he's doing the same here.

Yep. We're all going under the sea. Or something like that.

That's actually a really interesting verse. I don't think I've ever heard it preached on, which is odd..

Ah, nice! I got the first season DVD boxed set a few years ago, and I've been wanting to watch the rest. Thanks!

I had a friend with a Makerbot. Printed myself a Portal Gun (miniature), and then hand-painted the thing. It now sits on my shelf in a small acrylic box.

Makerbot, mate. $1500.

Pretty much.

Ha, I laughed when I read that. And then I instantly thought of when he chased the money changers out of the temple with a whip, and threw all their tables at them.

Niet. Nein. No.

Looking through a few reviews, I'd say it's not so much a site explicitly for Christians as it is a site that offers morality-based reviews on games.

I have a feeling this is just going to stack, mate.

Can't... All my trophies are on one, and my Steam account is linked to the other.

Great... So, can it also get us there? Because, last time I checked, we don't exactly have funding to do anything about it if we do find a new Earth.

Hey, it's free stuff. I used to have Infamous, and loved it, but I foolishly sold it (along with Uncharted 2) before playing it... (Why? Because my parents gave me crap about it, and I went along with their suggestions.)

Most games with over-the-top violence are banned upon import to Germany. Many developers are getting around this issue by removing the violence, or, in Valve's case, replacing it with cogs, presents, and confetti.


I'm gonna have to agree with him. It is you, dear sir, who is the pine cone.