Dezerus Richardson

Alternately, grab a dry erase marker, scribble over the sharpie, and then wipe it off with a cloth (or your hand). Comes right off.

Ah, screw Anonymous. Why do they think they have the right to screw things up for the rest of us, to give us lemons? WE DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS. We're going to make you rue the day you gave us, Playstation owners, lemons!

And then you use it to grow more algae, convert that into biodiesel, and you're good!

Eggs in space... SPAAAAAAACE!

Kind of wish people did understand what "socialism" actually is, instead of automatically relating it to an authoritarian/communist rule. If they did, I wouldn't get ripped to shreds by my family every time I mentioned my political beliefs.

I hope to live to see the day we invent those... And then I'm going to buy one, and vaporize small birds and rodents.

I've been meaning to ask, how does that work? It's able to pinpoint my location to within ten yards of my house, and that's scary... Considering it has no GPS receiver anywhere on the device.

Not really. Microsoft has their own fanboys, and the entire business sector... So they've got the same sort of thing going.

Except Apple's nowhere near death, and neither is the iPhone. You do realize the importance of a locked consumer base, correct?

What game was it? Farmville?

It's misquoted. Portal 2's been said by a few other major game sites to have a campaign five times as long as the original. I've averaged it out to be about 6-7 hours if you're not attempting a speedrun.

I'm waiting for Skyrim, and am forcing myself to only buy two AAA titles this year.

That bar is directly linked to the Steam release trigger. When it hits 100%, the game launches on Steam. Everyone else gets to wait.

Yep. You can have pretty much any games console you want, including PS3s and Xboxes.

Again, the automatically part makes me a bit iffy. If it's opt-in, that's fine... But it'd make a lot of people mad if they were entered in automatically with no chance to opt-out.

WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? The Gameboy was a brilliant piece of hardware, and what've you done? Ripped it to shreds, that's what. Why?

What are the exact knife rules in the UK?

The difference is people. If we switched to the exact same system, we'd not only have people abusing it (as we do now, it's quite a chunk of Medicare and Medicaid's funding), but some more specific things would grind to a halt. Apparently, to motivate a doctor in this country, you actually have to pay him. Who knew?

I wouldn't say that. Sales are going up now at a slightly higher rate than they were a few months ago. I wouldn't call that "played out".

When I had an Xbox, I made sure to fill it full of holes after the BSoD.