Dezerus Richardson

Something tells me the boots are gyroscopically stabilized.

When you can jump hundreds of feet without your shins splintering into bits, why would you want to wear other boots?

Ah. Then surely you remember the original "test track", chambers 1-19, plus the BTS areas.

"The followers won't accept it. Really? Have some notes. In reverse."

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. This is no different.

See, I got it on launch day... Back when it was riddled with bugs, and the netcode dropped more than an iPhone on AT&T.

I literally bought the game, cleared the Da Vinci's Workshop stage... And then gave up. I'm just not creative. For me, it was a waste of money.

I heard the Brotherhood of Steel was offering it half off this week.

Neither is Google.

Or we could just send the Woz to Google. He'd fit right in.

Just make sure to supply some form of power armor, and maybe a rifle or two. Don't want anyone getting shot up out there.

A guy who lives a couple miles away from me has one of those in his back yard. He's an artist, and a British sci-fi fan.

Meanwhile, at the Apple store today, they were selling them by the armful.

Ah, was there ever any real "Fair use", or has it always been this way? If you look back, the only difference is that now there are ways of detecting and persecuting those who break the EULAs. They would have done the same thing years ago, had they the ability. Nothing's changed.

Ever heard of catapults, my friend?

I'm just kind of concerned about your troll-like behavior. I could care less about the Minecraft bashing.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Ah, Diaz. Trolling the masses on April 1st since... Whenever you were born. I love it.

Fun fact, I actually do better with a gamepad than I do with a mouse in an online game. I actually get a positive KD.

See, that's where I have issues is with the mouse. I'm really, really twitchy... So when I click the button, the mouse moves up a quarter of an inch, and I typically miss my shots. With a controller, I don't have this issue as often. But that's why they sell PC Gamepads, isn't it?