Dezerus Richardson

Exactly. The news has zero integrity nowadays, no matter where it comes from.

Per Movie, most likely. This IS Hollywood we're talking about.

Let's see.. We'll need money for rocket fuel, a small rocket (preferably no air filtering system. If they run out of air, they run out of air), and launch clearance. The first and last might be a bit tricky, but I think I can make something out of soda cans and duct tape for the rocket.

I'm just going to upvote this. Not because I condone it, but because it just makes sense in this situation.

You can't escape that... Not sure why the south has become the stereotypical "White Trash", but I'd say that's got something to do with it. That, and everything else. Things are radically different here, however. Everyone's sane, and I've never seen a southern accent in the city.

Nope. It actually looks like a smaller version of NYC. Amazing, really, how there's such a precious gem in the middle of... Well, that.

And, if we've learned anything, mega-sized class action lawsuits can do a pretty good job at delaying things.

It's a joke. Somewhat. In most southern states (Like where I live, Tennessee), a lot of tourist trap-type places sell "Possum Eggs". Essentially, just little burrs from wild grasses and such.

As long as they can stop Aperture from releasing the neurotoxin, I'll be happy.

Really? I didn't notice much of anything. Just looked like a standard cell phone camera video. Maybe I'm not a videophile like yourself, though. I'm sorry you feel sick.

If a kid can do it in his garden shed, then why can't you do it in your basement?

It's a local news station. What do you expect?

Like Platypodes or Opossums?

So... Remind me again why we have these megacorporations in charge of telling the consumer what they can and cannot do? What happened to the days where you went out and bought something, and actually owned it?

And I applaud them [APPLE] for it. They do seem to be a bit more "honest" than most OEMs nowadays. Yes, they do have a walled garden and enforce their morality on their consumers... But at least they're open about it!

Wrong, sir! It is, technically, a crossbow, as it has a stock and firing mechanism. A slingshot is typically pulled back and released with the hand, and has no stock.

So... That's somehow different from putting your music on a home FTP server and streaming them via Wi-Fi?

Depending on the views, he probably gets a pretty hefty chunk of change in YouTube sponsorships, enabling him to continue doing this crap. And his voice is incredibly irritating.

When we stop using Plastic Wrap.

One of my friends exchanged a honeybun for an iPod. Still have no idea how he pulled that off.