Dezerus Richardson

Electricbrainbrainbrainwriter? Odd name for a device...

It does say something about talents of gold (Essentially, money), but it's more or less a recommendation. It's not necessary, but it's probably not a bad thing either.

Welcome to the Mojave wasteland?

I'm considering setting up a budget to get one of these. If I manage to make $250+ from my iPod Touch 4G, then it shouldn't be too difficult... I'll still need $60 for Skyrim, though...

That's what makes it great. It's a giant iPhone. Keyword being giant. Bigger screens are better for reading.

Well.. Until you finish that, I'll just keep using Pulse. Thanks for recommending it, guys.

You know... There used to be this thing called a "Gramophone". It was like a modern stereo set, but it had one horn, and used no electricity. You would crank up the gears, and it turned a vinyl disk. A needle scraped the vinyl disk, and the vibrations were amplified through the horn.

I use warm LEDs... I think the lifespan's like five years or something of solid light, so we're good for the next twenty at least.

I'm a conservative-leaning libertarian... And I hate most programs on Fox News.

I was thinking about getting one and a bluetooth keyboard for some writing. I don't have a laptop, but I do have a desktop and an iPod Touch.

Only one question: Were you missing an eyebrow?

I completely forgot about inertia... Sorry.

The only reason I joined was to help a friend get into game design. That, and an ex wanted me to join while we were dating, for some reason...

Out of curiosity... How would it put strain on the joins and panels? Wouldn't that mean there'd have to be some sort of air resistance?

Ah, Brian Crecente... Nice to see you again.

They invented that "potato" thing, right? Doesn't it now feed 99% of the population of the United States?

Wait... Google fixed Gizmodo? AMAZING!

Not the point. You can't make a sword out of cloth.

I've seen the error before. Typically it says something about unmounting the drive, I think.

English, apparently, has one of the more complex grammatical structures. I wouldn't call it the hardest, but it's somewhere around there.