Dezerus Richardson

Uhh, don't most slugs do that? Speaking of slugs, they're also hermaphroditic.

@ZenInsight: A virus isn't "organic", last I checked. It's a chemical of sorts. But the way it interacts with organic material makes it seem organic. It's more of an "edge of life" material.

@mrm: It's an excellent idea. I love it. Just wonder about implementation.

@grimjack28: Could they not have invested in some zip-loc bags?

Ah, Woz is the awesome guy from Apple. He should have taken Jobs' position. Shame he didn't. Maybe then we'd have a little more sanity in Cupertino.

@Platypus Man: Sarah Palin was simply watching Russia from her porch, when she saw Assange run by.

@whatne1wuddo: Well, if it's still in that condition... I'd say it was pretty safe!

If they can get these things down to a cheap consumer price ($100-200), then I'll buy one. Why? Because all I do is web browsing, and I don't like being tied to this desk.

@Serolf Divad: Have you seen the size of the battery in the iPad? Same size as the screen. Then you've got an iPhone board bolted in behind it.

@rjwe87: Because, although there is currently USB support in iOS (from the camera kit), it's meant to support cameras and other non-storage containing peripherals.

@comm0: But isn't Airplay a wi-fi layer, not a new RF protocol?

@Badlands99: The romans bathed together while naked.

@improprietary: I was thinking Pip-Boy, but your idea is good too.

@tomsomething: Those pincer hands weren't pretty, but they were more versatile than most of the bog standard prosthetic hands we have now...

So... We all just got rick-rolled, and barely anyone else noticed? Wunderbar.

@jedi4life: Can't sue the government or government-sanctioned operations unless you have a REALLY good lawyer. And lots of money.

@Graviton1066: This... This space plan is capitalism at it's finest. And the government has to at least feign that they're still supporters of it.

I want this... But I'd replace the electric motors with a gasoline engine.

At the rate these sell for, I could have something geekier by taping an arduino with an LCD screen onto my wrist.