Dezerus Richardson

@Squantos: Ahem, I must inquire about the meaning of your comment. If you're making a remark about my grammar, I must assure you that it is impeccable. If it's anything else, thank you for your concern. Good afternoon.

Apple's been having a lot of issues with delays lately. Wonder what's up?

@Eltigro: Buoyancy. Weight is negligible with enough buoyancy.

I loved the Autofocus. Right as you flipped open the camera, you heard the "bzzzzzz" of the flash, a few clicks, and you were ready to shoot...

@KamWrex: The internet's really let us down.

@Nitesh: Lenovo makes laptops similar to these... No eye candy, just a basic shell. And it looks so sexy.

@subsider34: Paper's gone up since the nineties...

This... Will get bendy. Ever seen those plastic snap-togethers that become loose and worn out after a few weeks? Yeah. That.

@SkipErnst: Less. Paper money is cheap, about half a cent (or less) per bill.

About $60+tax for SC2. It was good, but not what I paid for it IMO.

@InfiniteJustice: Monkey fighting Wi-Fi on this Monday to Friday plane.

@abeeee: Heh... Because it was likely the US Government breaking their own law...

@Yamfox Yamchowvitz: Then how do we explain the several thousand accounts from different artifacts, legends, et cetera? Do we expect people to just know that there were large, scaled beasts that towered above their huts, crushed their villages, and stole their people? Is it, then, just mere coincidence that not just…

@StevieQ: I see your question, and offer you Schrödinger's cat.

@albo: Genesis is an overview. A timeline of sorts. All land animals were created on the same day, but if you'll read, none of them are mentioned specifically.

@B0LUBA..: Alright. Enjoy the last chapter of Job. I'm thinking, although I don't have a Bible with me currently, it's the last seven or eight verses. You can probably find them, and several interpretations of them, online.

@metronome49: Either or. Both or neither. Could be a mess of things. I'm not an evolutionist, but I'd say this changes everything for them. And likely for those on the other side of the fence as well.

@B: According to one Creationist theory, they died out shortly after the flood due to the atmospheric and geographic changes on the earth.

There are passages in the book of Job that indicate the existence of dinosaurs. Christianity should not debate that they did, at one time, exist.