Dezerus Richardson

@cycle-ops: You also spawned Justin Beiber. How can you live with yourself?

@RedEye: Unless you load it in via USB... No.

@Canoehead: I certainly hope it's legal... I get most of my revenue from my electronics shop from doing jailbreaks and unlocks.

@Cats: I see what you did there...

@fELIXADER: I made that comment when I just woke up, before coffee. Now it's funnier than it was then. The wonders of coffee!

@Raziel66: Stellar Dawn. The third game is Stellar Dawn. I'm waiting for it patiently.

@spectralveil: I played until last month. They really turned things around. Gerhard knows his stuff.

@ME-4 12: I guess I'm lucky. My parents bought me a Commodore 64 for my first computer, because dad didn't want me messing with his Win98 laptop. I went straight from the 64 to Win2000, and from there to a G4 cube, and then XP to Vista to Windows 7, which I use now. Over all of those, I think the Commodore was my

Haha, I've not only got a student discount for the foreseeable future, but I've also got half-priced college if I go to the University of Tennessee. My father is currently getting a Ph.D to teach there, and once he does, it not only locks in a permanent faculty discount, but also drops tuition fees by half.

@BoltBoy: Do we know that this is the only camera?

@Stem_Sell: I love it... Where can I buy some wagon wheels?

Well... I think this is one device that'll be better for the hacking/modding community than it will for the actual gamers. It's not an MMO-oriented handheld gaming device, it's a portable linux system with the specs of a small netbook.

@Zoltan Shapiro: The console was created for MMOs. And MMOs only.

@theprancingboar: "Is that a jungle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

I really don't see why people hate Windows. I also don't see why they hate Mac. I've never run into an OS-breaking issue in either. Occasionally, I wish I had a Mac, but that's just to change it up a bit. I know they're way too expensive for what they do, and that I simply don't have the funds to buy a "luxury"

@Gaston: Actually, the iPad and the newer iPods and iPhones have not only the same graphical processor and the same A4 chip, they also have the same resolution screen. So this is on both.

@her0_0f_time: I beat the game in an afternoon. I should have no trouble.