
I volunteer as tribute!

I have a bulging disc and sciatic pain that I've now had two epidurals and many acupuncture visits to combat. I don't really want to risk setting it off. Plus I'm a lot older than you, young Darth'un :)

Especially when some NIN fans used to refer to themselves as "NINnies."

This joke is endlessly amusing (seriously, I laugh every time I see it made).

Reposted Wookieepedia would probably have an article on it, though.

Sorry to hear that, Whovian.

WHEN HAN MET LANDO and their big romantic break-up results in Han stealing back the Millennium Falcon.

Or called the Coens in to help direct his scenes.

No. Wire. Hangers. Ever.

Well, really, most movies can benefit from having sharks. Or King Shark.

Same here. Will Arnett is a funny guy.

I didn't get angry with it, but Mater sure wasn't ready to be the focus of a movie. Bleah.

Wonder Woman for a third time. Still gets me emotional, too.
47 Meters Down (for the first and only time). I enjoyed it for what it was. Needed way more sharks and a bit more of an ending, though.

Yeah, that choice was a little…odd.

Sorry to hear this. Much sympathy and good vibes coming for you and your family from my and the felines!

For the short shorts, duh!

Good luck!!

As a little girl, I got especially excited whenever Batgirl showed up in the credits. Now, I still kinda do.

Good! Started Friday night seeing Wonder Woman again with friends who hadn't seen it, after which we tried a Korean BBQ place we've never been (it was good). Saturday, I had to wait around for the cable guy to come fix my connection, then I went to a free concert in a park with a very good friend (band was Kinky from

The Dong-er needs gas!