
Also watched the finale of Twin Peaks: The Return a couple of times on Sunday. Mind still blown.

I visited my dad for the last time in his own home (his wife is placing him in a care facility on Friday cuz his Alzheimer’s has progressed pretty far now), spent a quiet day at home Sunday, then saw Logan Lucky with friends, after which we had dinner. Also bought the first pair of big shoes and orthotics to go with

He’s my reporter! He’s my cop! He’s my reporter *and* my cop!

AV Club is following me now, too. I’m a little creeped out...

It’s an [as] tradition!

The white space on the new site design burns my eyes. I also don’t understand what is going on when Kinja said my user name was already in use but um there it is. I guess just my login in name is different...along with that key I’ll never memorize and probably lose later on.

I don’t know what’s going on. I’m cold and I’m confused.

Like Yahtzee, but with tanks.

My sis & her family are in town, so I visited with them up at my dad's, got my hair done, and did some writing. Sis & co. are coming to my house later this week for the rest of their trip, and shenanigans will ensue. Didn't have time to see any movies or I would've seen Logan Lucky. Oh, and I know today's not the

You Folgering icehole!

What is this abomination?

I miss my blue streak. It went from a little streak on one side to a skunk stripe across my whole head because I was *terrible* at maintaining it properly.

Never go meta-ass to mega-mouth.

You shut your h00r mouth about K-2SO!

When Jabba Met Kelly

Just let us go already, America!

I did.

I went with some friends many, many years ago to a Jimmy Buffet concert. One brought a battery-operated blender and we made margaritas while in our seats. I still don't know how we got away with it, but then again, I had to get pretty drunk to suffer through the actual concert (I went cuz it was all free for me).

Get Trump to accept his resignation so he can go back to making $$$ off Breitbart without the "conflict of interest"?

Throw in "Benghaaazi11:::!@:!!!!!" and you get BINGO!