
Does a light tap really do that much? I mean, I'm not volunteering to find out or anything, but now I'm curious. Yellow.

Guess you'll just have to settle for BORT.

Yikes, really?

The jig is up! *runs for the hills with a bag of Tim Horton's donuts in hand*

First real unelected female president! I'll be bigger than Selina Meyer!


Sorry about your doggie. *hugs*


Happy birthday, Jose! :)

Yeah, but your dad was Ego, so it's just as well.

The part where I had dinner with friends and then saw Wonder Woman with them Saturday night and then geeked out with said friends afterwards was aces. The rest of the weekend was colored by the fact that I was in pain since early Friday when I had to have a deep cleaning at the dentist. My mouth is still sore, and

Final Wars is a hoot! I don't know why it gets so much hate. Or rather, I do know why, and I just don't care. More craziness, please!

I saw Wonder Woman at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood on Saturday night. It was sold out and the crowd loved it (as did I).

"Here" is with Kevin in that moment (and from then on, presumably). Unless you're being rhetorical, in which case, ignore me, I'm still a mess from that finale.

Look, I can get just as drunk on donuts as beer, mate. Don't you oppress me, eh!

Whereas I wanted them to be real so I could have them as pets. Ain't nobody gonna mess with me and 'raptors!

Get well soon!

Yeah, I tried that when I was in Europe while Reagan was president. They didn't care as they continued to lecture me about how horrible Americans were. I subsequently passed myself off as Canadian, Danish, German, Spanish, and Italian, depending on where I was traveling, with no problems. I was on vacation, dammit,

Something something Tim Horton's!

I don't see a hashtag. That usually draws him in quickly.