
If that's what floats your boat, sure.

You should try it; it's good!

Needy Cat is needy.

I had weekend. I had depression/illness Saturday (always a bad combo), so did nothing but some cleaning and some kitty-cuddling. Sunday and Monday didn't do much because I was waiting for people to get back to me about things, and they didn't, and I waited too long so missed doing things. OTOH, I get to see my brother

What, are you on PEI?

Pfft! Nobody defeats O'Neal! O'Neal lets you defeat him because he's magnanimous. And probably very hammered.

It gets folded in with Memorial Day because people cannot tell the goddamn difference. So, beer holiday.

The basement is in El Dan's house.

I used to have pet rats. They were sweet companions.

Will the rats also be manning the kitchen? I expect fine cuisine from those furry little guys.

Dick Wells 4 life!

D-E-V-O…-E. D'oh!

I like this idea and am latching on with you.

Also, it was an SUV. You know, to make it more jerkish.

…your mom?

The twist? The Ass team is Culpepper, Ozzy, and all the other jerkwad bullies we've seen every season.

He drank too many Red Bulls before the finale.

Sandra = Survivor Goddess. :)

The friend I watched with and I agreed that last night was the most f-bombs I've ever dropped watching Survivor, and the majority of them were directed at Brad, Debbie, and Troyzan. Seriously, though, fuck those three idiots.

They all said at least one thing; some just talked more than others (or were shown more than others, given how long tribals go vs. what we're usually shown).