
I think she was bitter because the people in control (Brad, FFSDT, etc.) were treating her like dirt. Sarah was usually fair to her, which is why she could respect the way she got booted. I want her back so badly, and I generally don't want any returning players any more.

Yeah, he gets no pass from me. He's a grade-A jerkwad.

I was hoping they would all have to draw rocks. Such a crappy way for Cirie to go out.

He looked like a creeper in that outfit.

There is seriously a guy in the building where I used to work that has that license plate. He's a parking spot-stealing a-hole. :D

His bro-colored glasses came off as he watched Brad's bullying, I bet.

I'm going with "Because they're arrogant morons."

I didn't stay up for the reunion, but I was curious about Varner's presence. Glad to know I can FFWD through it!

That damned Arm and its sound is gonna give me nightmares for life. As is Laura Palmer's scream. Jesus Christ!

Eh, the neomorphs were pretty bad.

You're not a fool. You're smart, you're funny, and you're fun to read.

You both are not alone in that.

Not too shabby. I was off Friday, so went to Disneyland with friends to celebrate my birthday early. Saturday I was plum tuckered out, so skipped a second outing to the Ren Faire to rest and hang out with my kitties. Sunday I visited my dad, then saw Alien: Covenant with a friend. Today (my actual birthday), I took

It was a great plan that would have been so much fun to watch, but nooooo! Survivor had to ruin it.

My feelings exactly. First Cirie broke my heart, then watching Michaela ousted broke it again. Stupid Sarah and Brad!! If they had kept Andrea for one more vote, this wouldn't have happened :(

Brad probably convinces him to play one to protect him and one for Tai (or Troyzan), which leaves Tai vulnerable then or the next vote.

Grunge was more about the fashion, not the sound, IMHO. Which, even still, made no damn sense.

R.I.H….Rot In Hell.

Hey, don't bogart that nostalgia, my friend.

I gasped in shock when it was announced on the news, then started crying when the DJs I was listening to on the way to work mentioned it might have been suicide. Hiding at my desk and moping right now. Goddammit :(