
Holster that hard-on, Sister!

Paul Ryan's the kind of guy who thinks "Taserface" is a good name for a Ravager.

From your lips to the gods' ears!


"He's so punchable, his face says [blank] on it!"

If you were, though, wouldn't you, by Frat Law, be obligated to beat his ass with a big, wooden paddle? I'm just saying I wouldn't invoke any hazing laws if you did.


You're not the only one who had that visual.

There is no such movie as Alien 3. I don't know what you're on about.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was the only cinema I had time for this weekend. It was worth it!

And yet I managed to kill Thanos in the first part of the new Guardians video game. Take that, Marvel!

It has five credit/post-credit scenes, plus other stuff going on in the credits that's fun to look for.

Who's the true boss baby? Yeah, you know it.

You monster!! *runs away, crying*

The first is great! What are you waiting for??

I, too, enjoyed this film. I loved the first one, so was supposed to hate this one or something, according to the Internet, but I did not. It was good!

The Wire is wonderfully complex. Enjoy!

It's almost like the beginning of Captain Fantastic! Except the Hell part is having that nutcase for a father!

My understanding is they'll be part of the third movie, but not the focus.

Mine started Thursday night—went to see Dave Grohl in conversation with his mother, Virginia, about the book she wrote. She was delightful. Did a lot of resting on my day off, got out early Saturday for Free Comic Book Day and scored some faves, then saw the new Guardians on Sunday whilst chicken pozole slowly