
You didn't miss anything. We know as much as Kevin does for now.

I blame Canada.

Same here. My heart dropped into my stomach until we saw Nora again.

He has the power of sarcasm and withering looks, though. I like him being a dick to Team Flash.

That's a great example. Never saw it coming, was completely shocked when it was revealed. I forking loved it!

I'm sure they thought they were very clever with the "Is there a comma or not in 'I'm the Future Flash'" thing, except most of us already guessed it was Future Flash. I'll give them props for making people briefly think it could be HR or Ronnie, but…seriously.

Considering the shocked look on Kreisberg's face at Paleyfest when his reveal that there wouldn't be a speedster big bad next season resulted in the audience cheering happily, I'd bet on Barry doing something colossally idiotic to solve the Savitar problem. The producers don't even know what we think, let alone care

It's times like these that call for an appearance of Dick Wells.

I'm wary of multiple timelines because that leads to Crisis and dead Barry and dead Kara. Bleah.

I was certain that once Joe removed that ring, he would be dying shortly thereafter. I don't have faith in these writers not to off him—unless the end game is Flash undoing all of Flashpoint and rolling back to the fun times. Then I'll deal!

Joel's relieved smile when he realized Oscar was dead was something else.

He's not even a manager.

Or a happy face!

More than him intimating he'd like to change the Constitution and abolish Congress? I mean, don't get me wrong, this Jackson stuff is damned ignorant, but I find him floating the idea of making the US a dictatorship much more infuriating (and scary).

Nothing with the word "spider" in it could be good!

I, too, am happy my sister had kids. I love being an aunt! You can wind them all up with sugar and tickles and then when they get cranky, you hand them back to their parents and say, "You're welcome!"

California hill yokels be like *this*, but California valley yokels be like *this*! Oo-wee!

It substitutes for the Saturday night bath.

Fun, but tiring. Joined an author friend and some of her author friends for a paranormal investigation tour of the Queen Mary Friday night at 11 p.m. Didn't get home until after 4:30 a.m., and got up a few hours later to head to the Renaissance Faire. Traipsed around like a wench, spent too much money, had lots of

Thanks I vaguely remember that TPIR episode. I'm sure I snickered when they called SDT a Fan Favorite, though.