
If only he'd asked Kevin Sr. to paint his fence instead of fixing his swamp cooler, he'd still be alive!

All he has to do is tell us how much he's spent on this marriage and we have a winner!

Best Easter Egg Hunt ever!

Is it a toomah?


I find his looks pleasing to my eyes.

Is that Chobani's sister, Activia?

Technically wrong. The best kind of wrong.

He's a man who respects wood!

Beat me by 15 minutes. Which is a lifetime in AV Club commenting.

The Incredibly Mixed-Up Moron Who Stopped Living and Became the Brain-Dead President

Two words: stupid jerk.

You're assuming there's an iota of truth in anything Debbie says about Sarah.

What's the FF stand for?

She was probably in constant rage mode because Ozzy was hanging out with Hali all the time, not her. "Ozzy, I was once the highest-paid worker at the brothel! Nobody knows more about sex than me!!"

With his mouth! He's that good! If you don't believe me, just ask him.

"She gets results, you stupid commander!"
"Um, no she doesn't, Pvt. KP-Duty-For-Life!"

There have a been a couple of times when it's not edited out (I think Penner said it once, didn't he?). I think either Malcolm or Joe told him to shut up once, too.

Plus it leaves Michaela to potentially sit with the other alliance and hear things she can repeat to Cirie as they strategize. Unfortunately, that didn't work out.

You're dethpicable!