
I have a signed drumstick from Joe (who I don't think has been in the band in over 20 years). Met both him and Scott and they were pretty nice.

He'll make the Vogons pay for it, too!

Did you belch? It doesn't count if you didn't belch.

If your dad had just closed and locked the door to the crapper, he'd still be alive!

Soylent Green is people! People!!

Settle down, Stannis.

Laser cats have them in their eyes. Pew pew meow!


If only they'd remembered to put her brain back after they used it for tests.

He told you he sucked at this. What more do you want from a lemur anyway? King Julien-level shtick?

All I care about is that they do right by Warlock.

I can haz cheezeburger, hooman? kthxbai!

He's a law-talkin' guy, mebbe.

She can reinvent herself like Alanis Morissette did after her early teeny bopper career.

Lick, DUH!

Are you guys talking about the 50? Because that's nothing compared to the Tioga Pass to Yosemite.

Jeez, which route are you taking?

Only do. MST3K is waiting!

You dissed my favorite Police song ("Message in a Bottle"). Have at you!

Chef of chicanery, your buns are mine!