
It's Thrakkorzog!

Plus his mania seems charming. Riggle's is more scary/sad.

I met Coleman last year at the Tick 30th anniversary panel. He was keen.

Quiet, you!

*The* Tick is not an asshole!

A slow golf clap, maybe.

Same here. Up until then, I was fairly meh on them. Friend dragged me to see it and my mind was blown wide open.

I read the book long before the movie, and I love them both. The best thing about the movie for me was how tense I felt when Clarice was put into total darkness by Buffalo Bill as he hunted her using his night-vision goggles. I knew how that scenario ended, yet I was still terrified for her.

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that!

Still…Emo Flash >>>> Emo Spidey!

Maybe it's Ronnie.

That moustache isn't fooling anyone, buddy.

Eh, I'm saving it for something truly odious, like another got-damn Trump thread.

Do I have to eat that, too, if I win? Broccoli gives me the wind something fierce.

Brandon Routh is on Legends of Tomorrow, currently poised to get a 3rd season. Who's laughing now, Curse of Superman!? MUAHHAHAHA!

That's good!

So it was Terry Gilliam that killed him? Seems legit.

Thanks. Now I'm afraid my chair will eat me. Or the screen I'm looking at. Or my keyboard. Or my phone…AIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!

"Nobody is gay for Donnie Most!" — a sad Donnie Most

I feel like Stannis should be downvoting you with a broadsword, but since he's no longer with us: *sends out Whovian signal*