
Which is…nice?

I agree. He was giving Lily to Kevin because Kevin was such a good father, which Nora needed to hear to snap her out of her sadness.

Depending on how I enter my name (middle initial or no), I get Thunderous Dreamer and Zexy Wanderer. I like them both.

IIRC, it's not explained in the book this is all based on (not sure because I haven't read the novel yet).

I recognized it and both laughed and wondered WTH? Then MLB showed up. Glad they're not using that theme song every week!


$cientology needs more money?

Unless it's wrapped in Hormel Black Label Bacon, Univision doesn't care.

Yeah, I'm gonna skip that episode.

Take off, you hosers!

By 2020, we'll all be chipped and tracked by El Trumpo.

Spent part of Friday and most of Saturday under the weather, which meant no marching for SCIENCE! and no Dave Grohl conversating with his mom at the Festival of Books. OTOH, that meant quality snuggle time with the kitties, who were quite happy (and every time I tried to get up, Emmet would plop down on me so I

You mean for Cersei.

I worry for her, though—isn't that Littlefinger lurking in the background of the photo?

If he was friends with Cocaine instead of you, he could get more things done!

Never fear, we've got chorus lines for years!

I hope Marge Simpson paints it, only without the sympathy.

Texas, Georgia, and Alabama.

Never Florida, though. It's America's Wang and we need it to make more states!

Yes, they are there to "work"…