

He'll take your power to downvote hashtags. He can do it, too. He's made of magic. Magic and cocaine. Okay, mostly cocaine.

Jesus, dude, what did The Kels ever do to you that you would wish such infamy upon him?

I always associate him with the rumor that he's into infantilism. Oh, and Frasier Crane and Sideshow Bob. I'm not a complete monster.

Bruce Campbell was in it, yes. That's the only reason I saw it in a theater!

You should see Matinee. It's a good movie.

"Reptilicus 6-5000!" had me rolling.

To show her "fun" side? I didn't get that play at all.

I don't know about that. He's pretty darn full of himself.

Considering tribal goes for hours, people are tired and hungry, and Probst is poking the hornet's nest as much as possible, I shouldn't be surprised when someone says too much or too stupid, yet I always am. Dammit, Zeke, get out of your own head!

He's probably never seen a season he wasn't on. He doesn't know how the game has evolved.

Same here. Thought maybe she was bringing them snacks and water.

Maybe I should try that. I'm having trouble telling between Jonah and Tom mostly (and I'm three eps in and still not used to Tom's new voice).

He's really hot in person.

He was great in Nocturnal Animals.

He's using logic! Get him! *grabs pitchfork and torch*

*James Woods immediately sues you both*

And Forrest thought he had it bad with the pancakes!

Everyone trusts Colonel Sanders!

Like Leia becomes a robot? Then she can be in ep IX!