
Tell me about it! *gets into traction machine, waits for spine to be elongated*

Dharma gets her groove back?

A little lower now!

I can smell the sulfur from here!

NOOO!! IT'S SO FUNNY! *ahem* do give it another try, please :)

It would beat the crap out of "Imaginary Mary"!

I laughed when she came out after being busted dressed in her jumper and with pigtail braids like a little girl. Loreen was very good to her in that conversation.

I will set the DVR accordingly. Thanks!

But then you might not see my name zip by!

Did you get to Every Country Has a Monster? I think you will enjoy it.

Without the fear of rhabdomyolysis and rectal prolapse!

What is an Irish goodbye?

I owe as well, but I filed last night because I didn't trust the servers not to be jammed tomorrow. It let me pick the day they can actually process my payment, so I picked the 18th because why not wait a little longer? :D

I've read most of it, first because I went to Catholic schools and we had to, then for academic reasons because a lot of the literature I studied referenced it or was influenced by it, and then occasionally to see what I get out of it. Of course, I read Revelations more than once when I was younger because we were

Mostly quiet. Got to see the first new MST3K, went Disney shopping and then had dinner with a friend on Saturday, and spent time up at my dad's on Sunday for Easter. Plus the usual chores/errands/whatnot (whatnot in this case being filing my taxes). Sunday night was all HBO (Leftovers/Girls/Veep/John Oliver), woooo!

Yes, yes, you're young, GOOD FOR YOU!

The new MST3K first ep, Reptilicus. The movie was bad, but the jokes were funny!

And their cover-band version, The Chaindoubledippers.

All of it. All the trouble.

Get off my lawn!