
"Something something…The Aristocrats!"

I'm a woman and I loved Rogue One.

I suppose if you follow the gourd, it's easier to handle the soup.

Back then, The Muppets commanded respect! You whippersnappers didn't respect them the way we did; that's why you got Muppet sex lives and a canceled series! Harumph!

No, I'll have to look it up.

Ugh, oh yeah .

Jabba the Trump.

Everyone gets to use the Force if the Jedi and Sith end. It's like Oprah's gift to the Empire: You get the Force! Everyone gets the Force! :D

They were using chemical weapons. Turns out the Resistance isn't all good after all.

My home was built in the '30s and has lots of awesome details, like "dentite" molding in the entry-way, and ornate grates on the old furnaces. I love it!

Paint my fence!

She's a thing in conservative circles. She was on Real Time with Bill Maher earlier this season and he made her look like a complete idiot. Granted, that wasn't hard to do.

McMansion. They're different from real mansions.


Same here. It would help if I remembered the Fiji cast(s), but there have been so many castaways.

They did, in a way. A really bad way.

Who knew Domino's delivers to Mananuku?

I thought it was rotted pineapple.

I think it was Doug Stanhope who claimed to be the comedian in question.

It probably gave Whovian a conniption.