
That's the impression I got as well.

It had two scenes I liked: the dinosaur shadow-puppet that eats people and the clown with his hand up Dean Wormer's back. *shudder*

Stop saying the word!

Dammit, Vic. :(

How could they? We don't love ourselves!

Thank you, Scott!

The feet were nowhere to be seen.

"Po-leece that moostache!" just took on a whole new meaning.

Well, she is good at distracting the masses with sparkly things.

Adam becomes a lumberjack in Canada.


As well you should. Several people pointed that out hours ago, you non-thread-reader! Harrumph!

She still looks like trash.

And how!

Liberace was just that good.

Someone (besides himself and Trump) thought Bannon was a genius? Ye gods!

Seems like Trump does, too.

Or a shoe!

Or even a "Saw" scenario where they have to carve into each other to get the key that will free only one of them, and then that one blows up anyway.

There are boats made of tacos? Sign me up!