
He forwarded them all to Rabin just for funzies.

Shh! Even a little bit of praise will cause them to think everything is fine and completely slack off!!

Dissonance and a kazoo backing band.

It's, you guessed it….Frank Stallone!

If only I had more upvotes to give this. Bravo!

Still trying this new commenting system fix out, so I'm withholding the whiskey I would normally upload to O'Neal for now….

No love for "Warrior of the Lost World"? "Megaweapon!" *bots cry*

*Rowsdower still wonders if there's beer on the sun*

I like "Here Comes the Circus" ("Here comes the devil!" was one of my fave IRC sounds to use for people entering a room), and there's always "Mr. B Natural" for primo nightmare fuel. *shudders involuntarily*

At this point, I would accept the Speedforce resetting the timeline back to S1 just to get Barry back to being fun again. I mean, it's clearly as sick of gloomy Barry as the rest of the universe, and everyone would get to be happy again. Hopefully it tweaks the timeline a little bit to allow Julian to stick around

To be fair, Zoom wasn't really Jay Garrick.

All signs point to me loving this.

I blocked her and am happier for it.

It could be "24" easily. Look how bad they are at setting up a perimeter around Star Labs!

Same here. Was he holding that gun in the other future glimpse Barry had because he was helping Barry or helping Savitar?

Is it? I wonder if that's covered in my health plan?


How does SAS compare? I loved them way back when. They showed us Tom & Jerry cartoons!

The ricketiest bucket of bolts I've ever flown on was Aeroflot. We all thought for sure we were going to die and got wicked drunk on Czech beer, which tasted awful. When we disembarked, one of our group literally kneeled and kissed the ground.

It felt like they'd been rusting for 10 years, but it was only a few years max. Lumiere is such a drama queen!