
The producer from La La Land.

If Heaven can wait, so can everyone wanting to know which film won Best Picture!


"How many times do I need to tap Kim's ass for this to work?"

White Canary.

Harry/Cisco/HR sandwich, please.

Before or after Barry created Flashpoint?

Everyone who writes for this show lives in their mother's basement.

Where was Julian this episode? I already forgot from last week what he was up to.

Golden Glider vs. Gypsy cage match, stat!

"Oh, Harry, you scamp!"

Would you drink your own spit? EWWW.

I wouldn't doubt he's pulled similar shenanigans on her before.

I knew he was lying, too, and wanted to slap Wally upside his stupid head for falling for it.

That made me a little misty-eyed.

Godzilla would facepalm so hard.

I <3 O'Neal foreva!

He's like Sadako from Ringu.

We must not allow a mineshaft gap!

Saw Get Out and Hidden Figures. Loved the former; thought the latter was just okay.