
Hope she's better today!

I met him a few years ago at a signing at Comic Con and had a nice conversation. Such a great guy. I was getting stink-eye from his PR person because I was talking too long, but as I was saying my goodbyes, he asked where I was from and it turns out that's where one of his films had location shoots, so he kept

Kids are little germ factories. Once one gets sick, you just assume the whole family will get it at some point.

Take them already, you monster!

Yep. I have to do that one occasionally cuz my stomach is messed up.

An emoji that's laughing and also giving you the finger?

Friday, I went to Disneyland briefly to pick up some AP Days merch and free buttons and because I was tired of not being able to go because of my back probs & so forth. I didn't last long, but I had fun doing it. I tried to stop and see Hidden Figures after, but the projector for it was out at the theater I chose,

Do not taunt HappyWhovianBall.

This is bigger than BENGHAAAZI!!11!!1 Congress must immediately investigate it 900 times.

Pshaw! She never even thought that!

Didn't Margaret Cho claim Chris Isaak could also do that?

Oh, yeah? Well, let me show you something!

We could go round and round about that.

Dammit, now I'm hungry. And I want to watch Chuck.

Your face will just have to do.

I nominate anyone to take on Twenty-One Pilots. Any song. They all suck.

Pretty sure having a snark gland is a prerequisite for being on this site. That, and a generous knowledge of early Simpsons quotes.

The reason being their audience worshipped them. Saw them briefly at Coachella many years ago (their set was still going after the one I'd been at in the electronica tent was over), and the way their audience stood in rapt attention seemed…well, cult-like. It was a little freaky.

I would like a Giant She-Male of Thailand film.

How dare they!