
Look at these *sticks out chest*

I would see this even if it was a totally Chinese cast and was subtitled because it has monsters. Lots and lots of monsters. I like monsters.

This movie looks dumb as hell and I can't wait to see it cuz it's got critters.

Yes. "Straight."

Only if includes copious amounts of ECT!

I'm old-fashioned. What about having them all drawn and quartered?

Ha ha ha, no they don't! Feed them to Drogon, stat!

What's the punishment for treason? Public hangings? Firing squad? I vote public hangings—takes longer if they do it wrong.

No, the Doof Warrior.

The bank at Braavos doesn't negotiate.

Guillotines? I'm in.

That's it; I'm packing my things and leaving this stupid planet on the next rocket ship out. Now to take my seat between Rosie O'Donnell and Courtney Love…waitaminute…nope, still preferable to staying on Earth!

Game over, man!

I think it's "BENGHAAAAAZI!"

"Look at the flowers, Donald."

Oof. You really are a bastard.

Better than roaches.

Chet needs to put much more K in them if he wants to save the US.

Aw, crap, he did? What the hell, Frank?

It was? Damn, now I'm depressed.