
I know how to use mine, too! It's a load-bearing poster now!

"That's not a claw. This is a claw!" *SNIKT*

Pfft, I did, too, plus I saw his naked ass at eye level. Who wants to touch ME??

That was beautiful *sniff*!

Oh, great, what dumb thing did Barry Allen do now?

No you don't, you jerk!

OTHER SPACE, you mean.

I almost started liking him for a minute, and then he pulled that crap. Up yours, Toby!!

He didn't want to get his soul wet.

I tooted.

Those furry little fascists!!

Upvoted for use of "flensing."

They've done a good job with casting Mr. Sweetface.

I would rather have the problem gone forever.

And coarse and irritating!

How about a swift kick to the nads? That's covered under the Geneva Convention, right?

He left out the females, though. That'll do, O'Neal.

*Jeff Probst's Survivor dreams come true*

Can't you just cast a spell and make the lactose intolerance go away? I know I would appreciate a magic solution.

Can we just dump in him a sinkhole and let the sucking dirt sort it all out?